Tips for Eating Vegan on a Budget

5 Tips for Eating Vegan on a Budget with video, part of the 31 days of Frugal Homemaking Series | Frugal Family Home

I know when I think about eating healthier I think it’s going to cost me, way to much money. I’m sure other might be thinking that way too. I asked my friend Danica from Vegan Homeschool to help me out with some tips for eating vegan on a budget. We made a video of her great tips.

Just so you know, I pause before giving her blog name each time, because I just didn’t want to get it wrong, I’m always thinking it’s homeschool vegan and I didn’t want to say it wrong. So please forgive me for my long pauses at both those spots. I do much better when I’m not live on camera. 🙂

Can’t see the video? Click Here

Here’s the tips written out just in case you don’t really care to watch videos. Be sure to scroll down to check out the links for a few of the popular recipe at Danica’s blog.

5 Tips for Eating Vegan on a Budget

Tip #1 Don’t Buy the Convenience Items

If you miss the meat in your diet, instead of purchasing the ready made meat replacements, make your own. They are easy to make with just a few ingredients like vital wheat gluten, spices and water. The ready made ones are full of salt and much more expensive. Danica says there are lots of tutorials on how to make your own seitan.

Tip #2 Don’t Purchase Everything Organic

If you can afford to purchase all your fruits and vegetables organic, then go for it. But if you are trying to keep your budget lower, make sure to save your money to purchase the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables organic and buy the rest of your fruits and vegetables conventionally grown.

What are the Dirty Dozen?

The dirty dozen are fruits and vegetables you should buy organic. The dirty dozen are,

Apples, Strawberries, Grapes, Celery, Peaches, Spinach, Sweet Bell Peppers, Imported Nectarines, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Imported Snap Peas and Potatoes

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Tip #3 Make Your Own Milks

Making your own milk can save you money. All you need is a blender and cheesecloth or a juicing bag and you can make your own milk. Danica makes her own almond, rice and oat milks. Oat milk is the least expensive to make. If drinking it add a little maple syrup to sweeten it and a little vanilla too. If you will be cooking with it there is no need to add any sweetener or vanilla.

Tip #4 Make Your Own Yogurt

The little containers of soy, coconut and almond yogurt can be so expensive to make. It’s not hard to make it yourself at all. Danica uses a Yogotherm Yogurt Maker to make her yogurt in and I use Yogourmet Yogurt Maker. They keep the yogurt at the right temperature as you are making it. Making your own yogurt is so much less expensive than store bought.

Tip #5 Don’t Carb Up

It’s easy to switch to eating lots of pasta and rice when you go vegan. Danica says to try to avoid it. It will only make you feel hungry an hour later. Be sure to feed your body with lots of fruits and vegetables instead. Whole grain pasta and brown rice are good just be sure to not over do it.

See all the posts in this series, 

31 Days of Frugal Homemaking Tips, Tutorials and Encouragement

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  1. Such great ideas! I was unfamiliar with veganism until recently, when I had to prepare something for a few vegan couples who were going to eat dinner with us at church…it was hard to know what I could and could not make for them.

    Thanks for such a great resource!

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