4 Weeks of Frugal Family Fun Day 1 Scavenger Hunt

Today was our first day participating in 4 Weeks of Frugal Family Fun Challenge hosted by Money Saving Mom. 

Our activity today was a scavenger hunt with a camera. Both of my kids have a camera of their own to use but if your child doesn’t have a camera just have them either gather the items in a bag or box or check off the items as they find them.

I made up an index card with a little list of 6 items for them to find. Now my daughter is older and could have done a longer list but I knew my son would not stay with the activity long so we went with a shorter list. I also color coded the list for my son who is just learning to read and put a picture next to the words to give him a clue as to what to look for.

Then we gathered up the camera’s and went outside. The kids started right away to take some pictures of the items I had on the list. My daughter being older took her time to take her photos. My son being younger and less patient took photos quickly and wanted to know what was next on the list

Here are a few of each of the photos they took on their Scavenger Hunt

My son took a photo of an orange flower for his orange item.

 A red rose in our garden my daughter took a photo of for her red item.

My son’s photo of the deck for something made of wood.





The kids found a worm to photograph. This is  the picture my daughter took of it.




For purple my son chose to photograph the Johnny Jump Ups.

For green, my daughter took a photo of a maple leaf on her tree.


That was our Frugal Family Fun today.

4 thoughts on “4 Weeks of Frugal Family Fun Day 1 Scavenger Hunt”

  1. Melissia @ Bravely Frugal

    Fantastic idea! I think we’ll have to try that. My 9-year old son loves to take pictures – it would be the perfect activity.

  2. I love this idea! I love that you did the list in colors and included pictures for your early reader. I will have to keep this in mind. Sounds like you have a beautiful backyard to find all these things in!

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