10 Goals for this Week

This week went a bit better. I did not feel so rushed everyday and I was able to get more done. I still did not get a cleaning schedule set up. On the plus side I have a system in place that seems to be working for our home school though. I need to put getting some Bible time in at breakfast with the kids as a priority as I did not get to it again this week.

I did get a new graphic for my goals posts done and I was able to get most of my blog design changes done this week too. So I was able to get more than half of my goals accomplished this week which is much better than last week.

What I was able to get accomplished this week,


1. Set up cleaning schedule for each day
2. Try to get a better schedule in place for school subject so they flow better
3. Bible time with breakfast
4. Do one art project with the kids this week


5. Exercise each day 10 minutes (I really failed at this goal this week)
6. Drink 8 glasses of water (most days I got my water in)
7. Get to bed earlier than 11pm
8. Bible reading each day (Got this done a few days)


9. Finish up blog changes
10. Get new graphic ready for my goal post for next week 

My 10 goals for this upcoming week


1. Bible time at breakfast.
2. Set up cleaning schedule.
3. Try a new recipe.
4. Plan menu for next few weeks.


5. Exercise each day for 10 minutes.
6. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
7. Bible reading each day.
8. Prayer time for others while I am doing household chores.


9. Work on 31 Days series and post each day.
10. Try out a few new plugins.

How did you do on your goals this week?


One Comment

  1. I really admire the changes that you’ve made to your blog and all of the graphics that you’ve made recently! It takes a lot of time to learn all of these things, so don’t be too hard on yourself for not getting other things done.

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