Goal Plan for this Week, August 18

This past week turned out to be a good week around our house. I feel like even though I was extremely tired and was having trouble with allergies this week, I was able to get quite a bit accomplished. This week my lack of sleep really hit me hard and I had no choice but to slow down. One day I even took a little nap and boy did I feel a whole lot better. After a terrible Monday, I decided to get to bed on time each night.

I purchased some peaches to canned this week and dried some of them too. That almost fills us up on peaches for this year. I think I am going to want to purchase one more box of peaches to can and then we should be set for the year. One more item down on my canning list.

I was able to get most of my goals accomplished this week, with only one not being completed, which will go onto next week. This week I am only planning on a few goals as I feel the pressure starting our homeschool again and I want to start a few lessons with the kids to help ease them back into a regular school schedule.

Here’s the things I accomplished this past week,

Read one chapter in each book, PlatformBetter Than a BoxSimple Blogging (affiliate links)

Exercise 5 days this week

Start planning the first quarter of our homeschool schedule

Get 7-8 hours of sleep at night, I’m back to only six and I am dragging each day. 🙁

Pray for others while I am doing my chores

Phone a friend to check how things are going

Spend time reading to my son this week

Spend time helping my daughter with her projects

Work on back office projects for my blog


Goals for this Week

Start a few lessons each day for our homeschool

Exercise 5 times this week

Phone a friend to check in

Work on back office projects for my blog

Get 7-8 hours of sleep


What is on your goal list for this week?



  1. Make your sleep a priority this week and watch your productivity soar Shelly!

    1. I am planning on doing better with sleep this week. I know the late nights have their price. Thanks for the encouragement Jenny.

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