30 Day House Cleaning Challenge.. Project #18 Update

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Project #18 Update,

Well I survive the cleaning of the refrigerator. It wasn’t as bad as the last time I cleaned it. So all the wiping up of spills really paid off. I only found a few items that were fully unrecognizable and in my defense I found one of them buried deep in my crisper drawer and the other one had fallen down behind one of the bottom drawers.

I had a big surprise when I took out the bottom drawers not only did I find that yucky moldy lemon, at least I think at one time it was a slice of lemon. But I also found dust and hair, under the drawers. Now how in the world does that get in the refrigerator. It isn’t like we leave the door open for it to blow in with the wind. 🙁

After my shock of the hair was over I got down to cleaning it all up and wow my refrigerator really does looks so much better. I was so happy with how the refrigerator turned out I also empty the pantry cleaned it and re-organized it too. I was on a cleaning roll. I didn’t find anything old in the pantry thank goodness.

Both of these jobs took me a little over an hour to complete. I have learned my lesson, it is better to clean the sticky messes and spills as you find them. Cleaning the refrigerator was not nearly as daunting of a task as it has been in the past. I am one happy girl. 🙂

Now for the before pictures, doesn’t look to bad does it?

Refrigerator Before

Fridge Door Before Before Refrigerator

The horror I found lurking behind and under the drawers

Really Yucky Food


Bottom of Refrigerator

More food that was found but unfit to eat. I had pepperoni in there that had expired last year. (4/12) How in the world did I miss that?!

Bad Food

Now for the after photos,

Upper Shelves Refrigerator After

Look at that shine,

Door and Refrigerator After


Pantry After Bottom Pantry After


Now that is so much better than what I started with. 🙂

Did you take on the job of cleaning your refrigerator today? If so, what did you find?


See More Posts in this Series

Want to see how others did on their cleaning today? Go over to Money Saving Mom where I linked up.


  1. Your fridge and pantry look great! I’m with you on the dirt and hair mystery. How does it get in there?? I know whenever I clean out under my drawers I find the same, and I’m always so grossed out by it!

    I focused Mai my on my pantry today. It feels good to take stock and remember what I have on hand already.

    1. Blythe, I saw the picture of your pantry, very nice. I am so glad to have the refrigerator done. 🙂 The hair in the bottom of the refrigerator is quite a mystery to me.

  2. I wondered that about some of the drips and smudges I found–like on what I guess you’d call the “ceiling” of the fridge–does stuff splash UP or did someone touch it with a dirty hand? It’s a mystery. I love your little wire basket thingy’s on the inside of the cabinet doors, I think I may need to invest in some of those!

    1. Charlene those little baskets were installed by the previous owner. They really hold up I think they are about 23 years old. They are really nice to have to put things in that just don’t fit on a shelf.

    1. Erin, I had pepperoni that expired a year ago. How in the world I missed that I don’t know. I know I have cleaned the refrigerator a few times at least in this past year. I was shocked at how old it was. 🙂

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