Update: Taking Control of My Clutter, Master Bedroom

Clutter Free Banner FinalClutter Control Update, Master Bedroom

This past month I worked on the master bedroom. Well to be honest I just completed it last week. Since I knew I had already declutter the closet and the drawers, I just put it off until the last-minute. Yes, at times I do procrastinate quite a bit.

But I got myself together and finished up the room. I only had a few things sitting out on the antique radio and I needed to organize in the headboard a little and the job was done. I really should have just tackled this job early on in June instead of having it hanging over me all month.

I didn’t find too much lying around except for my e-cloths I just never put away, I use them often, so I just never put them into the cleaning closet. By the way these little cloths really work well to clean.

Before Radio

Radio After


I also needed to clean up my bookshelf in the headboard a little. I had cords falling out each time I opened the door up.

Bookshelf Before

I wanted, needed to get the cords under control. But me being me, I decided to find something around the house that I could use to hold the cords. I found an empty cardboard tube that had not found its way to the recycling yet. So I thought that would be perfect to tuck the earphones and my cord to charge my Kindle into.

Cords rolled up in toliet paper tube

Bookshelf after


These are the items I removed,

Item Removed

My daughter ended up keeping a pair of the headphones as her’s were worn out. My son wanted to keep the step counter but I talked him out of it. I ended up putting the compact flash cards back onto the bookshelf because I need to see just what photos are on them. I think we still have a reader that will work with them.

What’s the room for this month?

The master bedroom is now clutter free andย for the month of July, I will be working in my daughter’s room. We already tackled her dresser and closet for the Clutter Busting Challenge so her room should be an easy one too. Now let’s hope I don’t wait until the last week for her room too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have you taken on any clutter in your home recently? Don’t put it off like I did, just jump in there and get it done. You can do it!

If you will be decluttering this month please share what room or area you will be tackling in the comments below.ย 




  1. I bet it feels really good to get your bedroom all decluttered! I worked on decluttering my computer desk this month…it’s where we keep all of our important papers. Some how, a bunch of other junk ended up going in those drawers, and I had to reorganize. I also shredded a lot of old bank statements and things we didn’t need any more. It’s great being able to open up the drawers now and now having stuff fall all over ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Great Job Erin! I have yet to do our desk for this year but it is coming soon. We worked, well I guess I should say my daughter worked on decluttering her desk this week. She did a great job. But it isn’t near as messy as mine.

  2. Thanks for sharing how you stored your earphones and cord. What a great way to repurpose something we have around our homes! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I haven’t done any decluttering lately, but I am trying to keep up with cleaning the everyday messes.

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