How to Energize Your Resolve to Stick to Your Budget

Sticking to a budget can be hard. If you have quite a bit of debt and it will take a while to pay it off.

You will have times when it’s harder to stick to your budget, you might even consider giving up on budgeting.

I know these 5 tips were really helpful for us to stick to our budget when times got hard. If you are struggling to stick to your budget I’m sure these 5 tips will help you energize your resolve to stick to your budget too.

I know at the beginning of the year it’s easy to get excited about all you can accomplish financially through the year but when you hit about mid year all the excitement has worn off.

This is when you need to find a way to re-energize your resolve to stick to your budget.

If your resolve to stick to your budget is wearing thin these 5 tips in today Frugal Family Home Podcast can help.

5 Tips to Energize Your Resolve to Stick to a Budget

I know these 5 tips were really helpful for us to stick to our budget when times got hard. If you are struggling to stick to your budget I’m sure these 5 tips will help you energize your resolve to stick to your budget too.

1. Plan for splurges, put away a little money each month to have a little splurge with cash.

2. Concentrate on your goals. Post your goals where you can see them every day to help you stick to your budgeting plan.

3 Go on a spending freeze. Make it a fun challenge to see how little you can spend for a month or a week. You might be surprised at how fun this can be.

4. Get everyone on board with the budget. It’s no fun being the person having to tell everyone no. Be sure to get your kids or your spouse involved in the budgeting process. So they are investing in reaching the financial goals too.

5. Re-evaluate when it becomes hard to stick to your budget. You may want to back off on your debt pay down or your savings for a month or two to make a little wiggle room.

Let me know what tips you could add to the 5 I shared in the podcast in the comments below.

Do you need to set up a budget? Follow along with the budget series.


  1. I like your suggestion to make a game out of saving money to help you stay on track with the budget. When the government closed down a few years ago and we didn’t know when our next paycheck was coming, we tried not to spend any money on food to save as many pennies as we could. It was a bit fun to see how many meals I could make out of what I already had in the pantry.

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