Everyday Deals Shopping Trip

I went to Everyday Deals today as I needed a few items. I was glad to see they had some organic tortilla chips. We bought these a couple of weeks ago and they were very good. So I bought more today. Along with some fruits and veggies we need for dinners this week.

Here is what I purchased

3 Organic Tortilla Chips $1 each
2 Pirates Booty $.50 each
1 Taco Dinner Kit $1 each
2 heads of lettuce $.25 each
3 Pears $.29/lb $.25
Grapes $.29/lb $.25
Jelly Beans $1 each
Raspberry Thin Mints $1 each
2 Bags of Broccoli $.50 each 

For a Total of $9.00

I also went to the Franz Bread Store since it is just across the street from Everyday Deals.

Here is what I got

4 Loaves of Organic Bread $.80 each
1 Loaf of Sourdough Bread $.80 each

Total Spent $4.00

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