Franz Bread Store Shopping Trip

I went to Franz Bread Store today. We were down to one loaf of bread in the freezer so I thought I need to get some today. It was a great day to go as Saturday is also their sale day. I got some great organic bread along with a couple other things.

What I purchased:

4 Loaves of Organic Whole Wheat or Grain bread $.80 each
1 Sourdough Hoagie package $.80
1 Maple donuts $1.19

What I paid: $5.19 

I can’t make homemade bread as cheaply as I can buy it at the bread store. The ingredients are almost the same as my homemade bread but the bread still doesn’t taste as good as homemade but will do for us.


  1. What awesome prices on the bread! I wish I had a bread store nearby! I used to live in CA and NC and in both places there were great bread stores, but not here in MD 🙁

    1. We love our Franz bread store if it wasn’t for this store I would be making all of our bread.

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