Menu for the Week of 7/9
Our menu this week has a few recipes that are our favorites and a few freezer meals. This will make it easier to get dinner ready on these busy summer days.
Our Dinners
Tuna Melts, Salad and Fruit
Stir Fry Lettuce Wraps, Rice and Fruit
BBQ Meatballs, Mash Potatoes and Salad
Marinated Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes and Salad
Chicken Cashew Stir Fry, Rice and Noodles
Calzones with Salad
BBQ Hamburger Steaks (crockpot meal) Mashed Potatoes and Salad.
That is our dinner for this week. What meals will you be making?
We’re having meatless spaghetti today. 🙂
Spaghetti is a favorite at our house.