10 Weekly Goals

This past week went well again. It is nice to have a more relaxed schedule in the summer. We did get started on my daughter’s science this week after trying to get to it for a few weeks. My fault not hers. My son is continuing with his reading practice. He is using reading eggs and really likes it a lot. I did get some home school planning done for about one-third of my daughter’s math and the same amount for here science. I need to plan out here literature and english at least for the first quarter.

For my personal goals I got a little exercise done outside in the garden and playing with the kids. I have been adding the lemon or mint to my water so my water consumption has been good. My Bible reading was a little less this week as I was not feeling very good most of the week. Then mid-week my daughter got sick. Then by friday and saturday my husband and son were also sick.

I had planned to do a post on strawberry jam but decided to do the rhubarb jam instead so that should be posted really soon once I get it finalized. I did work a little on the Facebook graphic. I at least figured out what size I need to make it. It is progress even if very minuscule.


Here is what I was able to accomplish.


1. Reading Practice with my son
2. Start my daughters science (Just got a few lessons started)
3. Start home school planning ( I got a little of this done)
4. Do at least one fun activity a week with the kids ( We continued the Frugal Family Fun this week)


5. 7 glasses of water
6. Pay attention to when I need to eat and not eat (this worked well I lost 1.5 lbs this week)
7. Natural exercise each day ( I got some exercise playing with the kids and doing things around the house)
8. Bible reading daily ( a few days this week)


9. Get the strawberry jam post done ( I actually wrote a post on rhubarb jam instead)
10. Do Facebook graphic


My 10 Goals for this Week


1.Continue reading practice with son
2. Continue with daughter’s science lesson
3. Continuing planning our home school
4. Do a few fun activities this week after all it is summer


5. Continue with drinking 7 glasses of water a day
6. Continue paying attention to went to eat and not eat
7. Bible reading everyday


8. Work on Facebook graphic
9. Write post on mint water
10. Start planning posts for next month

 What are your goals?






  1. Hi Shelly! It looks like you got quite a bit accomplished last week. Great job! And way to go on losing 1.5 lbs! That’s fantastic!

    I like how you are focusing on natural exercise, too. I think sometimes as moms we are too hard on ourselves for not jumping on the treadmill or running or whatever.

    We get in a good amount of exercise simply doing the everyday things that need to be accomplished by us on a regular basis. I know I’m on my feet a lot and I’m constantly carrying a 17ish pound baby. Constantly. Plus, we have stairs. 🙂

    I hope you have a great week, Shelly!

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss! I’m sorry that you weren’t feeling so well…it’s no fun to be sick in the summertime. Can’t wait to see your new Facebook graphic 🙂

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