Goals for the Week of 6/11

This week I was still in lazy summer mode even though our weather has been more like fall here. I did manage to start on a cleaning/organizing for this month of June. I purchased my daughters Biology books so we should be able to start this week or next with it. I need to purchase the math books for her. We will continue with my son using reading eggs about 3-4 times a week.

The things I was able to accomplish this past week.


1. Set up plan for our summer studies ( I have a schedule for Biology and reading so far)
2. Pick out our read a loud books for this summer
3. Spend some one on one time with each child
4. Set up cleaning and organizing schedule for the summer (started 31 days to clean for the month of June)


5. Make a summer schedule for maintenance that need to be done ( I have in mind what needs to get done I just need to make time for it over this summer.)
6. Drink 7 glasses of water a day ( I only averaged about 5 this week, I bought some lemonade and drank it instead)
7. Pray during meal prep time
8. Exercise 1 time this week


9. More graphics ( I got this done and I am hoping to make more as I go along)
10. Work on Hamburger cake post ( I should have it done and posted by Friday)

10 Goals for this Week


1. Continue cleaning with 31 days to clean the reboot
2. Start Biology with my daughter for our summer home school
3. Work on reading with my son
4. gardening as the weather allow
5. Make Rhubarb jam


6. Bible reading 10 minutes a day
7. Drink 7 glasses of water a day
8. 8 hours of rest a night


9. Post on 31 days to clean Mary and Martha Challenges
10. Make How to Post about making a t-shirt into yarn


  1. Saundra McKenzie says:

    How is the water drinking going? That is my goal, but so far cannot imagine drinking that much a day.

    1. Most weeks I drink most of my water goal. Last week buying the lemonade mix (I had a coupon), has hindered my water drinking as I have been drinking lemonade too. I find if all I have around to drink is water then I do fairly well.

      You might try building up to the amount of water you want to be drinking. Start with two to three glasses a day and build up. I started with 5 glasses a day and now most days get 7 glasses drank, well that is before I bought the lemonade.

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