Goals for this Week, January 11th

I thought I was going to have two perfect goal weeks in a row. But it wasn’t meant to be. I knew opening that bottle of 7up was going to be my downfall.

I knew I shouldn’t have open up the bottle of 7up this week. If I hadn’t, I would have drank enough water. But that darn pop just kept calling my name, every time I opened the refrigerator. I tried to resist, but I didn’t do too well. At least it is almost gone and so the temptation to drink it, will be gone soon too.

I was able to get to the rest of my goals for this week. Which I’m really happy about. I also learned something this week. I don’t encourage my kids enough, I don’t give praise enough and they really need it.

This week my son wasn’t working very hard at school. It was a difficult week and I knew we needed a change. I printed off some printables and dug out a few phonics/reading and math games. By the end of the week, my son was more focused and really doing much better.

He said to me on Friday, after doing really well with his spelling and reading, “Mom, are your proud of me?” That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m not the best encourager.

I told him I was really proud of him and how he had done such a great job. I gave him a big hug and a high five. The joy on his face was wonderful.

So this week, I’m going to work on being more of an encourager to my kids. I will be giving them praise for the jobs they do well and encouraging when things don’t go that well. My little one reminded me, I need to do that more.

Here’s the things I was able to accomplished this past week,


Get back on our regular homeschool schedule

Make cookies with the kids


Drink 6 glasses of water a day

Exercise 5 times this week

Get to bed by 10:30 each night


Write 3 posts

Take photos to update a one older post

Goals for this Week


Be an encourager to my kids

Start planning our garden for this year


Drink 6 glasses of water a day

Exercise 5 times this week

Get to bed by 10:30 each night


Write 3 posts

Take photos to update a one older post

What’s your goals for this week?


  1. I think you are a wonderful encourager Shelly! I understand what you mean though…sometimes we get so focused on crossing something off our lists that we forget to stop and take the time to talk to our family.

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. You did a great job last week, Shelly. And I loved that you shared that story about your son. It’s a helpful reminder to me as well. Thank you!

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