Goals for This Week, May 18th

Wow, we had a busy week this past week. But I was able to get a lot done. We finished up our homeschooling quarter and so we will have a few weeks off before we start any schooling over the summer. My son said he wanted to keep going over the summer, since he is really enjoying learning to read. I need to find him some math worksheets to do but that can wait a few weeks.

I really did well on my exercising this week. I also was able to drink enough water each day too. The first time in a long time. I stayed up way to late a few nights so I kinda blew it on that goal but I’m hoping to get to bed on time this week.

Here’s the things I was able to accomplished this past week,


Finish up our homeschooling for this quarter and record grades

Start planning a few fun projects for the kids for next month (I’ll be blogging about some of them next month)

Do some read aloud time this week


Read a chapter of the book, Platform

Drink 6 glasses of water a day

Exercise 5 times this week

Get to bed by 10:30 each night


Write 3 blog posts

Watch one photography class

Work on some behind the scenes blog stuff

Goals for this Week


Complete a sewing project I’m working on

Make a new rhubarb recipe with the kids

Take time to play with the kids a couple of times this week


Read a chapter of the book, Platform

Drink 6 glasses of water a day

Exercise 5 times this week

Get to bed by 10:30 each night


Write 3 blog posts

Watch one photography class

Work on behind the scenes stuff for the blog

What’s your goals for this week? 


  1. Tanya M @ Mom's Small Victories says:

    Great job getting exercise and water intake goals accomplished! Those are ones I need to get back into for may. I just posted my april achievements and may goals.

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