August Garden Update

I like to go out in the morning to see what the garden has to offer. It’s a great relationship, I give it what it needs, and we get to enjoy fresh food from the garden. I like to get the water started on the garden in the cooler morning hours. It is so quiet in our yard at that time of day. There is a wonderful peacefulness to the quiet.

August Garden Produce

As I started to survey what the garden has to offer, I heard a distant hum of an engine way up high. It would get closer and a little louder, then fade away again. This continued as I was in the garden. I am sure it was a student pilot working on building hours for a license they are working towards. I remember when my husband was doing the same thing, building hours towards his pilot’s license, and would go and fly for an hour or two. In the garden just me, the airplane hum off and on as they circled above, in the cool morning air and the vegetables ready to pick.

How does the Garden Grow?

This year has been a fair year for our vegetables. After a great spring with a bounty of strawberries and raspberries, the vegetables have not been as plentiful. I don’t know if it has been our weird weather or if it was the choice of my compost, but something has been off.

Trying to grow broccoli wasn’t successful this year. We harvested one little broccoli head and the rest immediately went to seed. I planted it early but I think our 95 plus degree weather in May, may have done it in. I left the broccoli in, just trimming the flowers in hopes of some more broccoli heads, but it just didn’t work.


Our tomatoes while the plants didn’t grow very big this year, we are now starting to get tomatoes. There are flowers on the plant and fruit ripening. Our cherry tomatoes are in full production now. The tiger tomatoes are looking good too. We have some Roma tomatoes but they are still very green.

Tiger Tomatoes on the Vine

Tiger-Tomato copy


Cherry Tomatoes

I can’t complain at all about our beans either. Both the Wax bush beans and Blue Lake pole beans have been growing very well. I have harvested about 3 pounds of beans so far, which we have eaten most of them fresh. So I haven’t canned any from our garden yet.

Blue Lake Pole Beans


I was so excited to see our first zucchini to pick too. The flowers I think are quite stunning. I was able to pick three zucchini so far and by the looks of the plant we will have plenty more.

Beautiful zucchini flower

Zucchini on plant

The other day my son and myself were observing a bee collecting nectar from the Greek Oregano we have planted. The plant has some flowers on it and the bee was very busy working. My son was thrilled to be able to look over the bees wings and see the bee at work. I noticed that now our mint is starting to bloom which should draw more bees to our garden. Which in turn will mean more beans, tomatoes and zucchini for us.

Flowers on Mint Plant

The garden had some great items to offer, 3 zucchini, a pound of green beans, a bunch of yellow and red cherry tomatoes and a couple of tiger tomatoes too.

Garden Harvest for August

What has your garden had to offer for you lately?



This post is linked up at An Oregon Cottage.

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  1. I do love eating from our garden! We left our garden behind when we moved. Thankfully, we have been able to go back and get some things here and there! Nothing like free food!

    1. We love getting free food. I’m sorry to hear you had to leave your garden behind. Maybe you can have one this upcoming year at your new home.

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