Garden Update, Peas, Strawberries and Raspberries Too

Garden Update, Peas, Strawberries and Raspberries Too

Things are really starting to grow in our garden. This past two weeks our peas have really taken off. They have grown up past their supports. I almost need a step stool to pick them.

Sugar Snap Peas Outgrowing Their Cage

I have been able to pick about a pound of peas every two to three days. I shared a few with our neighbors but mostly we have been eating them all ourselves.

Peas Upclose

Our strawberries are continuing to produce really well this past few weeks. I still haven’t made strawberry jam, but I am hoping to get to it this week. We have just been enjoying eating them fresh right out of the garden. They are so sweet and juicy.


Our raspberries have just started to ripen too. We ate the first few berries this week and they were so good. It looks like we should have a good harvest this year.

Raspberry Plants

This first year is my first try at  growing broccoli. I don’t know if it’s just the plants are small or if it is the weird warm weather we had early on this summer but the broccoli is producing these tiny little broccoli heads. I am hoping to get bigger ones soon.


Our artichokes have doubled in size these last few weeks. I also discovered some new little volunteer dill plants right next to the artichokes. I will move them when they are a little bigger.


Our tomatoes have a few blossoms on them. No tomatoes yet but I am sure it won’t be long now before I spot some tiny little green tomatoes.


I planted some wax bush beans a couple of weeks ago. I am so happy the birds didn’t get the seeds this year. I think all of the seed sprouted too.

Bush Beans

I also planted some Blue Lake Pole beans. They also survived the birds. I don’t know how the birds know when I plant the seeds, but they do. This year I guess they weren’t watching as I planted them because the birds didn’t come and dig them up like they usually do.

Replanted Cucumbers

I had to replant my cucumbers since most of them died, even though they were wrapped up. I did have a couple of plants that did survive.

Cucumbers that Survived

On the plants that did survive there are already a few blossoms already.


The lettuce I started directly in the garden is slowly getting bigger. It seems to be taking forever. I can’t wait until it’s big enough for us to enjoy a salad right out of our garden.

Black Bugs on Chives

This photo is such a sad sight. Some little tiny bugs have invaded my chives. We don’t use any chemicals in our garden so it is inevitable that occasionally we will have a problem with an insect invasion. I did notice on the stem the ladybug was on, it was almost bare of this tiny destructive guys. So I may need to pick up a few ladybugs to see if we can rid ourselves of these pest. I am thinking the ladybugs like to snack on these little black critters.

Flowers Out Front in Basket

Lastly here’s a picture of the flowers in my hanging basket my sister gave me. I just couldn’t resist adding in a photo of these lovely flowers.

How is your garden growing?


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  1. Yum! So many good things to tuck into your harvest basket!

    1. Daisy, this week was a good week for us and I just saw the first green cherry tomato on a plant. So it won’t be long before we have tomatoes too.

  2. You’re killing me, Shelly! Your garden is amazing! I’m sorry about the bugs invading your chives, but the rest of your garden…wow. I’d love to grow strawberries and raspberries.

    Thanks for sharing these great garden posts. Even though I don’t have a garden, I love hearing about yours. 🙂

    1. This is our third year for growing strawberries and raspberries. I love being able to go out and pick a few berries to eat or harvest what is ripe for jam.

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