Spring Flowers

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Spring Flowers in the Garden

Today I went out to the garden just to see how many flowers we have in bloom right now. I haven’t planted anything new yet so all the flowers are either on our trees, the shrubs or are perennial plants. I was really surprised at how many we have in our garden already. You know the saying April Showers bring May Flowers. But we have quite a few April flowers this year, well I guess it is technically May but these flowers were blooming before today.

I really love this time of year. Everything is green and growing so nicely. I have my seedlings in the cold frame and they are growing really well. We are due to have 80 degree weather later this week so I need to remember to open the lid on the cold frame on those warmer days so I don’t fry my little seedlings.

Our weather being so warm is quite unusual. Normally here in Oregon where I live we are still water-logged with a few breaks of sunshine here and there. But this year has been unseasonably warm and much drier than usual. Not that I am complaining at all. 🙂

Here’s the flowers I found

Strawberry Flowers



The strawberry plants have quite a few blossoms this week.


Dogwoods in Bloom

Our Dogwood trees are in full bloom right now. Pansies

We have just a few pansies that have popped up.

Azalea in bloom

I love the color of this Azalea.

Dwarf Bleeding Hearts

Our Dwarf Bleeding Hearts and growing really well. They have been in bloom for a few weeks now.

Purple and White Phlox

At first I thought this Phlox had died but it is coming back quite nicely.


Our tulips were a little late to bloom this year but now that they are in bloom they are beautiful too bad they don’t last very long.

Purple Flowers in with the juniper

These flowers over the years have crept into the juniper. It looks like a sea of blue taking over the junipers. The hummingbirds love these flowers. We are seeing the hummingbirds almost everyday now.

Chives In Bloom

The chives are blooming too. Have you ever tried the flowers. They are wonderful on salads.

Pom POm Flowers


I am not sure what the name of this plant is. It is a shrub that has been in our yard since we purchased it. But the flowers are really pretty. They are like little pom poms but they smell awful. They are great to admire at a distance. 🙂

Do you have any flowers in bloom right now in your garden?



Just in case you have lots of rhubarb growing in your garden, like me right now. There’s a Kindle ebook, Rockin Rhubarb Recipes (Amazon Affiliate Link) you might want to get while it is free.

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