30 Day House Cleaning Challenge..Project #16 Update

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ย Project #16 Update, Deep Cleaning the Bathroom,

Today’s deep cleaning of the bathroom wasn’t too bad at all. Since I have been following along with the challenge I have found it easy to get the bathrooms clean since I am doing the job on a regular basis. Today I just needed to do my usual cleaning plus I took on cleaning the tub.

Bathroom Before

As you can see from the picture our bathroom tub was overrun with lots of items that are needed to play with while you take a shower. My son has been enjoying playing with water in the tub this past week but needing to do a deep clean gave me the chance to clear all the clutter out. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tub Before


It didn’t take me too long to clean today. I think about 15 minutes for each bathroom. Actually the downstairs bathroom only took about 5 minutes as it was already very clean. ๐Ÿ™‚

Bathroom After


Tub AfterNow that is so much better. Now I can take a bath without having to empty the tub first. ๐Ÿ™‚

Did you take on deep cleaning your bathrooms today?


See More Post in this Seriesย 

Want to see how other’s did on their cleaning? Go over to Money Saving Mom where I linked up.


  1. I did not have to clean too much since I try to keep my bathroom clean anyway (plus, my husband is not messy). However, I did clean the shower door which is not looking too good.

    1. Our shower door on our downstairs basement gets so bad. We don’t have very hard water but it gets lots of water spots. ๐Ÿ™

  2. Question: What did you do with all the bath toys? I am having trouble finding a good storage solution to my sons bath toys since we all share the same tub. Just looking for any ideas!!

    You did great on cleaning today!

    1. Blythe, Most of them are really small toys so my son keeps them in his drawer. The larger items were old bottles that we just recycled and I re-claimed my liquid measuring cup. ๐Ÿ™‚ In the past we had one of those nets that hangs on the tile wall with suction cups and that is where we would store the bath toys.

  3. I’m so glad to have found this. I’m looking for tips and tricks for my home and cleaning business. Thanks!

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