30 Day House Cleaning Challenge..Project #18 Refrigerator Cleaning
Project #18 Cleaning the Refrigerator
The job for today is the job I really dislike a lot. I put it off and when I finally do clean the refrigerator it can be a pretty bad and a big job. I have been making an effort to clean up any spills or sticky stuff right away. So today will be the test if my efforts have paid off.
My cleaning plan for today
- Wipe down each of shelf in the refrigerator
- Remove each drawer and discard any old items
- Wipe out each drawer
- Wipe out the sides and bottom of the refrigerator
- Wipe out the shelves in the door
That’s my plan for today, I will post later today on how it went, that is if I survive. 🙂
What’s on your cleaning plan?