30 Day House Cleaning Challenge..Update Kid’s Bedrooms
 Project #4 Update Kid’s Bedrooms,
Since I only was able to get my bedroom done yesterday, I decided to work on the kid’s bedrooms today so I could finish up the bedrooms. That way the main floor and upstairs will all be cleaned. 🙂
While I worked in my son’s room with him somewhat helping. My daughter worked in her own room. Both of the bedrooms weren’t too bad as far as needing cleaning. Just a little dust and the floors needed to be vacuumed.
In both the rooms we needed to declutter and put things away in their proper place. In my son’s room some of the toys never made it back to the toy box and some of the books needed to be straightened on the bookshelf. My daughter had to declutter her dresser and just pick up some school books and clothes that had been left out.
For cleaning it was a quick dust and vacuum and then I also cleaned the hardwood floor with a mixture of vinegar and water.
Here’s the before and after pictures of both rooms,
What room(s) did you work on today?
Want to see more of others cleaning posts? Go over to Money Saving Mom where I linked up.
Looks very tidy!
Thanks Melinda!
Everything looks nice and organized! I worked on my basement and playroom today.
Thanks Erin, I haven’t gotten to our basement yet. Maybe next week.