31 Days to Clean The Reboot Day 12

Day 12 The Reboot

Martha Challenge was to finish up the dining room. Since I had already finished it up on Thursday, I had Friday off.

Mary Challenge was to ask yourself  what are you struggling to have joy with where you are now? What is getting in the way with you being content with where you are now? Pray about it.

My Thoughts

I think my biggest discontentment with where I am now is I seem to have no time for what I would like to do. I am always needed to help someone else, teach someone else, do something else. So the things I would love to be doing fall by the wayside.

When praying about this discontentment,  I had the though about seasons of life. During this season I am in, there is a big demand on me to do for others. But I know there will come a time when the demands will be less and I will remember these times fondly, possibly even long for them. I pray as I go forward I can see the joy in each season of life. I pray by doing for others, teaching others and helping others I can make fond memories not only for myself but for those I am closest to.

The Challenges I will be working on today are

Day 13 The Reboot

Mary Challenge Meditate on Hebrew 10:14. Ask God what it means for you to be complete/perfect in Christ.

Martha Challenge Start on the kitchen. Find 5 tasks to do this week and do one each day, starting today.



  1. I really like our home, where we live, my problem is I can’t stand having clutter or things not organized. Today, I went through my sheets to give to charity the offenders. You know the ones. They crawl up the sides, don’t fit properly. Aaaah. Much better.

    1. Isn’t great to declutter your home. I feel better each time I find something to give away.

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