31 Days to Clean..the Reboot Day 4

Day 4 Laziness

The Martha Challenge was to clean my nightstand. My nightstand was very cluttered on top with books that I had not put away along with a hat I made and just left sitting there.

Here is what I started with



I pick up all the books and returned them to their proper place. I also found a place for my hat in the closet.

After cleaning


Now that it is fully cleared off I am hopeful I can keep it that way.

The Mary Challenge was to do a word study on the word lazy and to write out the consequences of laziness. Then if enough time was available to do a study on diligence and write out the blessing of being diligent.

Here is what I discovered in my Bible study today

Consequences of laziness

Poverty, forced into labor, hard way of life, hunger and death

Blessings of diligence

Leadership, easy way of life compared to laziness, riches, goodness, has plenty, inheritance

The challenges I will be working on today

Day 5 of the Reboot

Mary Challenge Seek God to see if there is something that is leading my heart away from Him. Pray about it.

Martha Challenge Finish up the Bedroom.


So what do you think, do you have a tendency to be lazy? 



One Comment

  1. Yes, I definitely have a tendency to be lazy! But I do like to have a clean house and a nice home-cooked dinner every night, so being diligent really helps, even if I don’t feel like it that day 🙂

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