31 Days of Homemaking Day 30

Making time for your spouse,

As a homemaker we can let all of our work around the house take up all of our time. Caring for the kids, cleaning and preparing meals can end up taking center focus in your life. But you need to make time for your spouse.

It is true there is always something to do around the house. The jobs seem to be never ending at times. One task is finished and there are ten more just waiting for you to do. But it is so important to make the person who makes it possible for you as a homemaker, to feel important in your life.

Connecting with your spouse everyday and letting them know they are very important to you is so important. If you have little ones it may be very hard to get time together alone. Even just sitting next to one another with the baby asleep in your lap can be a time for you to connect with your spouse.

Go out on date nights with your spouse. If money is too tight to go out make a special dinner. Then once a month make a special recipe for dinner and eat by candlelight, even with the kids. Write little notes and put them in your spouses lunch they take to work or in their car. Just little thoughtful things like these don’t cost anything and can really make your spouse feel loved.

Greet your spouse and give them a kiss when they get home. Don’t immediately launch into all the bad things that have happened during the day when they first walk in the door. Chances are your spouse may not work in their dream job and may need a smile from you when they get home to help them leave the day behind.

I know when my kids were little it was great to have my husband home that I would want to just talk about all the things that happened as soon as he got home, the good, the bad and the messy. But he really needed to come home and be calm just for a little while to unwind and get into home mode after working all day.

Talk to your spouse and see if there is something you are doing or not doing that is important to them. One small change can go so far. My husband a while ago told me he doesn’t want dinner ready right when he comes home but he would like time to do a few things first. So now I try to get dinner ready each night about half an hour after he comes home. It helps to take pressure off me to start dinner so early and he is happy too.

He also does things for me, it is a give and take and communication is the key. Don’t let kids or things around the house keep you from connecting with your spouse each day.

What is something you do for your spouse on a regular basis to show them they are loved?


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