4 Weeks to a More Organized Home…Simplified {Day 5}


This day started out so well. I got up and got dressed, long-sleeved again today it is definitely fall here now. I wrote out my to do list and got my game plan for the day mapped out in my head. Well at least I thought I did.

Today’s assignment from Crystal was get dressed in something you love and feel good in. Two, make your to do list. So far so good for me. Three, Clean under the cushion in your home and fourth do something you love for 15 minutes.

After our usual routine I headed down to our family room to clean under the sofa cushions. Our living room furniture are all recliners so the cushions don’t come off. So our family room sofas were the only ones I had to do. I took the cushions off and I didn’t find too much, just a few crumbs in each of the sofas.

My son was helping to clean by brushing the sofa off.

My daughter informed me that I should have looked a few days ago as there was two toys and a pair of socks which they removed when they used the cushions to make a dog obstacle course. So mine were worse a few days ago. I also found deep in the couch an old medical insurance card. I am unsure exactly how long that has been in there. So with that job done I was looking forward to doing something I loved for 15 minutes.


Do Something You Love

Then I remembered I told my husband I would pick up the leaves in the yard for him. We have two 30 foot tall oaks and one 30 foot maple in our yard along with 4 dogwood trees. So we have a ton of leaves this time of year. So I thought instead of doing something I love I would do something for someone I loved, my husband.

It started out just fine. I was able to rake all the leaves in the street and on the sidewalk. Then just as I started to bag them it started to sprinkle. I thought to myself that is fine it won’t be that bad. Then it started to hail. But I thought this is Oregon, in a few minutes the weather will change again so I kept working. I was able to get all the leaves picked up before the rain started.

I thought well if I just grab the lawn mower and vacuum up the leaves in the yard they won’t be so heavy in the bags. (I already filled our 90 gallon roller cart and another 32 gallon can with leaves just on Tuesday) So I kept working. I was able to get all the leaves out in our side yard done.

By this time it was pouring. But I only had the backyard area to finish. So I fired up the yard blower and started blowing leaves and water. I managed to get all the leaves into our yard and thought I would just vacuum them up with the mower. Well they were just too wet. So the mower was put away and the rake and gloves came out.

As I was getting damper and damper I was able to get all the leaves into 4 large trash bags. I was soaking wet with water dripping out of my hair down my face by the time I was done. I was very happy I remembered to pull my hair back in a pony tail before I started. Otherwise I am sure I would have had hair sticking all over my face. But the job was done and my husband wouldn’t have to do so much over the weekend this way.

Needless to say it took me well over the 15 minutes to finish this task. I came in changed my clothes into some that were dry. Then wouldn’t you know it about 10 minutes after I came in it stopped raining and hasn’t rained again. Oh well.

I also know my husband will really appreciate the help and that makes me very happy. So even though I didn’t end up doing something I loved, I did end up doing something for someone I love.

How did your cleaning go today? Did you do something you love?


More posts in this series


  1. Oh Shelly!

    Please come rake the leaves in my yard too- we have a cottage home surrounded by trees and tons of leaves everywhere. That is back breaking work and I’ve had it on my monthly to do list for a month now but just not gotten to it in the weekly or daily priorities. Are you feeling ok today? You are really a trooper!


    1. Jenny,
      I am doing well no ill effects from all the racking. Usually we have lots of wind this time of year and the leaves just get blown away somewhere but not this year. Racking leaves is quite the job and I am always happy when the last leaf has been gathered up. I hope you are able to get your leaves picked up soon. I am always willing to lend a helping hand. 🙂

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