The Positive Side Effects of Simple Living

When you start living a simpler life it can take a little adjusting but there are a few good side effects. See a few of the positive side effects to living a more simple life.

Did you know that Simple Living has some nice side effects to it that you might have not considered? I know when I started to clear out my clutter and live more simply I didn’t really notice these things right away but as time when on I found some really nice side effects to living a more simple life.

Cleaning is Easier

If you’ve been clearing out the clutter from your house, you might have already discovered this. But when you clear the clutter from your home, it’s a lot easier to keep it clean. When the horizontal surfaces are clutter free removing the dust is so much easier.

I have to admit I really don’t like to dust. So anything that will make it easier to dust I’m really all for it. The fewer items that are sitting around the less items to gather dust. The fewer items you need to pick up and move to dust around or have to dust off. By cutting down on the knickknacks you have around your home, you get the nice benefit of less dusting you have to do.

Better for the Budget

When you start to live a simpler life you give up the things that really aren’t that important. Many of those things you decide to let go, cost money. When you decide to live more simply you end up living on less. You no longer need to go after the next new best thing that has come out. You can be happy with what you have and have determined what is enough items to own. All of this helps you to spend less money each month and can help live within your income. All nice side effects to living a more simple life.

More Time

Another great side effect to simple living is you have more time. While you haven’t gained any hours in your day, by cutting back on what you own and your commitments, you can have more freedom with your time. The less material things you own, the less time it takes you to care for them. Less time can be spent on tending to the items you own and more time spent on things you love.

When you cut back on activities that might be good but not the best things to do, you have more time to spend on things you truly love to do. I know when I decided to cut back on my activities outside the home it freed up so much time to be spent on important things. Now when I have to do something outside the home during the week, I try to keep it to a minimum so we have time to spend on the things we really love to do.

When you start living a simpler life it can take a little adjusting but there are a few good side effects. See a few of the positive side effects to living a more simple life.

Increased Contentment

When you embrace the simple life and are no longer seeking after the new and upcoming things, you can be content. You can truly be grateful and cherish what you have. I know we live in a society that is constantly trying to sell you something new, something better and something that will improve your life. But for most of us what we need the most, we already possess.

The truly important things in this life are not things at all. When you can really embrace that, letting go of the material things becomes so much easier.

Those are four of the side effects I’ve discovered from living a more simple life. What have you discovered that is a side effect from living more simply? I would love to have you share it in the comments below.


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  1. Thanks for sharing these great reminders, Shelly. For us, living simply means that we have more time to spend together as a family.

    1. Spending time as a family is so important. 🙂

  2. These are such great effects of simple living. My favorite is not having as much stuff to clean or organize 🙂

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