4 Weeks to a More Organized Home, Light Switch Wipe Down

How has this week been going for you with the challenge? I hope you are getting lots of the tasks completed. If you want to follow along be sure to grab Crystal’s free ebook.

Day one of the more organized home challenge

Today, I did the complete list of the challenge. I’m not sure if I will be able to do all the tasks each day of the challenge, but my goal is to get at least the shortened version done each day.

Here’s the tasks for today,

  • Get dressed.
  • Make a to do list of 5-7 items to accomplish today.
  • Complete your Morning Routine
  • Set a Timer for 15 minutes and do a quick cleaning in the bathroom.
  • Wipe down all the light switches
  • Purge 7 items

The first three are things I do each day already, so those tasks were easy for me to get done. Here’s how the rest of my tasks went along with the  photos,

Light Switch Wipe Down

The light switches sure can get dirty. Don't forget the wall around them too.

It’s amazing to me how quickly the light switches can get dirty. I have been better about wiping them down regularly but they were still dirty. I also took the time to wipe down the wall right around the light switches since that area seems to get smudges too.

Bathroom Quick Clean

The bathroom had a few items out of place  before we cleaned.

The bathroom wasn’t bad at all. Other than a few stray toys on the counter the room was picked up fairly well. I don’t quite know why so many toys end up on the bathroom counter but I find toys there often.

Here's how the bathroom looked after the quick cleaning

After returning items to their rightful place. It only took a few minutes to do a quick wipe down of the mirror and counters. I put out some fresh towels so they are nice and clean, although a little wrinkled.

Purged Items

More t-shirt to donate

These purged items come from my husband’s t-shirts. His drawer was quite full of them so a few had to go. They will be heading out for donation this weekend. Our donation pile is growing quite large.


Friday, I’ll be cleaning all the light fixtures and doing something I love.

 What’s something odd you find in the bathroom that shouldn’t be there?


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