Goals for Week of March 17th

We finished up another quarter of our homeschool. This year since my daughter is in a diploma program I need to keep track of the hours and make a more formal record for each subject. I  was able to get the grades recording done for our third quarter and I am glad to have it done. Only a ten more weeks before summer.

I also am starting to work more on our garden. I have peas and broccoli planted along with some kale. We have some very small sprouts already up in the garden. I am hoping to start our tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers from seed this week in the house. The weather has been quite nice so I have been itching to get some things done in the garden. Here’s my plan for this week.

Here is what I was able to accomplish this past week,

Plan out the garden with the kids (we have a partial plan)

Continue with the Early to Rise Challenge this week and blog about it  (you can read the posts here)

Listen to the Bible on CD each morning with the kids, finish the book of Mark (finished Mark, started Luke)

Pick my next book to read off my reading list, I started Lead Your Family Like Jesus, not on my list but one I was given to review

Continue my exercising 5 days a week

Drink more water at least 6 glasses a day I only was able to drink about 4-5 glasses a day but I am getting a little closer.

Get to bed by 10:30 (most days I was within 5 minutes of this bedtime)

Plan next 9 weeks of our homeschool (I have part of it done, only a few more subjects to plan)

Try a new recipe

Goals for This Week

Finish Planning our next 9 weeks of homeschool

Finish the garden plan

Plant some lettuce and radishes in the garden

Start tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in the house

Continue the Early to Rise Challenge and blog each day about it

Continue Bible time each morning with the kids, we are listening to Luke

Try a new recipe

Play a game with the kids

Exercise 5 times this week

Do a few rounds of knitting on my skirt that is close to being done


What goals do you have planned for this week?


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