Goals for this Week, February 23rd

This week I was tired, so tired I took a nap one day, which really isn’t like me at all. But I thought it was better to take a nap instead of getting so tired, I was in a bad mood. ๐Ÿ™‚

My daughter finished her sewing project this week. It turned out really well, it was a stuffed animal dog for her brother. He likes it really well and has named it spot. I also finished my knitting project too.

Here’s the things I was able to accomplished this past week,


Start planning our garden

Help my daughter with her new sewing project

Read to my son each day


Exercise 5 times this week

Drink 5 glasses of water a day

Work on my knitting project

Read a chapter inย Platformย (affiliate link)


Write three posts

Work on my blog design and hopefully get it transferred. (crossing my fingers)

Update two old posts {one done}

Goals for this Week


Plan our garden

Read to my son each day

Get a chore chart set up for the kids


Exercise 5 times this week

Get 7-8 hours of sleep

Drink more water, 5 glasses a day

Eat 4-5 serving of fruits and vegetables each day

Read a chapter inย Platformย (affiliate link)


Write 3 blog posts

Watch one photography class

Update one old post

What’s your goals for this week? Did you make some good progress this week?




  1. Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories says:

    Great goals, I’d really like to start working on our garden this week too. Hope the weather stays nice!

    1. Thanks Tanya. The weather has turned soggy again but it makes it easier to stay inside and make a plan for the garden. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I feel like my garden is still in the dreaming phase. I am watching snow fall outside as I type this.

    I would like to do some gardening in our flower beds as well as in our garden this year. Just gotta figure out how to get this to look good. We bought our house last summer and it comes with ugly bushes. I want to get rid of them!

    Hope you can find the time to plan your garden this week!

    1. I’m so glad it looks like we are done with the snow. We had more this winter than we have had in years. It was nice to see it but I’m glad it gone.

      I ended up with so many tomato plants last year that I planted them in my flower pots instead of flowers. ๐Ÿ™‚ They didn’t look quite as pretty but we had an abundance of tomatoes.

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