31 Days to Clean The Reboot Day 10

Day 10 of the Reboot

Martha Challenge We are finishing up all the bedrooms in our home. My daughter’s room is the last to be finished. She has a bunk bed and stores lots of items on top of it.

Lots of these items she doesn’t use anymore as she is older so we needed to decide what would stay and what would go. I let her pick what would stay and what would go. Here is what we started with,



Oh, that is so much better. There was not that much to give away, the items up there just needed to be put in their proper spot.

All of our bedrooms are looking quite nice now so it should be fairly easy to keep up with them.

Well, I hope it will be. I found that most of the clutter in our bedrooms was related to not putting items in their proper place or things that we no longer needed but hadn’t gotten rid of yet.

So I think if I keep this in mind as time goes on I may be able to keep the bedrooms clutter-free.

 Mary Challenge There was not a Mary challenge as Sarah Mae had family visiting. So I had the day off on Friday.

The Challenge I will be working on today

Day 9 Reboot  (repeating day 9 and 10 this week)

Mary Challenge Take 10 minutes to focus on one verse. See if you can memorize it by just meditating on it.

Martha Challenge Do 15 minutes of focused cleaning in one area of the house. Get the kids involved and set a timer.


  1. We have the same problem with things not going back in their proper place, so we are working on that too. Some days I just have to go around picking things up and putting them where they belong….I probably should make the kids do that, since it’s mostly their stuff! lol 🙂

    1. I am glad to know I am not the only one with this problem.

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