Early to Rise Challenge..Change Your Mind

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Change your Mindset

Changing your mindset can turn something you don’t like into something you do like. I know before I started this challenge I didn’t like getting up early. But now I can see the plus side of rising early. My mindset has changed over the last few weeks as I came to see how rising early could really be a positive thing in my life.

If you want to change your dislikes about someone or something you need to be able to see the positive in it or them. When we only focus on the negative or what we don’t like we tend to stay the same. Our opinion can not change.

But when we seek to see the positive in something or someone we have the opportunity to grow and change. So what or who do you dislike? Why not try to adjust your attitude about the situation or the person? The only person you can change is yourself.

In today’s reading there was a suggestion of writing down the positive of who or what you don’t like. By just making this small adjustment in your mindset from focusing on the negative to the positive, can make a big difference in how you see that person or situation.

If you are struggling to get up early, think about what you like about getting up early and write it down. Then when you are trying to talk yourself out of getting up you can think about what you like about getting up early to help push yourself out of the bed.

I was able to win the pull of the bed by,

Wednesday Wake Up Time


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