Food Stamp Challenge (Day 5)

Today is day 5 of the challenge. I was asked by a reader what is the purpose of doing this challenge. I first saw this challenge on The Non Consumer Advocate and it intrigued me. I guess my purpose of doing this challenge is to help bring awareness that you can eat healthy on a budget.

I hear in the news media in my area how it is so hard to live on what is given to families on food stamps. I know in my area from the article I read that a family of 4 food stamp budget would be $112 a week. I know with income that amount changes so it is not the same for everyone but I am using this as this was the amount the family of 4 in the article was given to strive for. They did not meet the challenge to feed their family of four on the $112 in a week.

I guess deep down inside of me I get frustrated with so many news outlets only put stories out of those who can’t live on the food stamp amount but seem to ignore the stories about those who can feed their family on less than the allotted amount on food stamps.

So that got me to thinking how do I feed my family on $75 a week? What do we eat? How do I shop? So over the past few days I have shared our meals, and a little of how I shop to keep my grocery cost low. I did this challenge in hopes it may help someone who is wanting to lower their food budget for whatever reason. I also wanted to share what we eat on a typical week in our home and for me to see how much some of our meals actually cost me to make.

I am not saying in any way that if you are on food stamp assistance you need to eat a certain way. All I am trying to show is it is possible to eat well on a food stamp budget. Is it easy, no, you need to watch what you purchase but it can be done.

So that is my reasons for this challenge. Now onto today’s menu,

Breakfast (same old thing, I promised tomorrow you will see something new on our breakfast menu)

Husband had toast with peanut butter and jam and water $.21
Kids had toast with peanut butter and jam, eggs and oatmeal for a total of $.32 each or $.74 for both
Myself, yogurt and a homemade cinnamon roll biscuit $.24

Our total for breakfast $1.19


I made some pizza rolls and sticks for our freezer cooking and kept some out for us to eat. My husband took his usual lunch.

Husband, sandwich, tortilla chips, cinnamon roll biscuit, cookies, granola bar $.75
Kids and myself, pizza rolls, watermelon, leftover soup, homemade cinnamon roll biscuits $1.81

Our total for Lunch $2.56


Tonight we had a meal I prepare twice a month. It is not our cheapest meal but we really enjoy it. I take lettuce and place it on the plate add a few crushed tortilla chips, add in some ground beef mixed with pinto beans with some taco seasonings. Then add cheese and homemade salsa and you have Make Your Own Haystacks. We added some watermelon we have been eating the last two days and some cookies for dessert.

Our total cost for dinner $4.54

Snacks for the day

Kids during the day snacks, peanut butter sandwich, banana and lunchmeat. Cost for all $.72

After dinner snacks

Cereal for the kids and my husband with milk $.60 with a few dried peaches $.20
My husband and myself also had another few cinnamon roll biscuits I made $.20

Total for all snacks $1.72

So our total for all of our eating today works out to be $10.01 (our most expensive day in the challenge)

I was wondering how much the cost of a store-bought cookie would compare to a homemade cookie. So I made some cinnamon roll biscuits which are not really a cookies but can be substituted for a dessert. I made a double batch and that worked out to cost $.04 or $1.28 for a double batch to make. The cost of a store-bought cookie is $.08 each so that is half the price which was really shocking to me I really thought it would be closer to the store-bought cost. Now I need to rethink making more of our desserts instead of purchasing them.



Other Posts in this Series

Food Stamp Challenge Day 1
Food Stamp Challenge Day 2
Food Stamp Challenge Day 3
Food Stamp Challenge Day 4

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