Kid’s Craft, Washer Necklace Tutorial

My kids love to create. We always have lots of drawings and craft projects hanging around our house. In the summer, when it’s just too hot to do much outside or on the occasional summer day, when it’s raining, we like to do craft projects. We put together this washer necklace tutorial so you can make them too.

I’m always on the lookout for new things to try on Pinterest. If you would like to see what I pin you can check out my boards here. If you like what you see, I would love to have you follow me.

This is a great project to do with the kids, when the summer heat is just too hot outside or on a rainy day. These DIY washer necklaces only take a few items to make. A few washers, beads, nail polish, and a little string is all that is needed to make these really cute necklaces. This is a great idea to get your kids creating instead of complaining.

This is one project I’ve seen a few different variations of. Some that were painted, some that were stamped, some with chain type necklaces. It’s a great project for a tween or teen to do. But even my son wanted to work on one.

This is a great project to do with the kids, when the summer heat is just too hot outside or on a rainy day. These DIY washer necklaces only take a few items to make. A few washers, beads, nail polish, and a little string is all that is needed to make these really cute necklaces. This is a great idea to get your kids creating instead of complaining.

My daughter and myself went to JoAnn’s to get a few supplies we needed. But you could easily order them at Amazon too. If you are shopping JoAnn’s be sure to grab the coupons out of the Sunday flyer before you go out to shop. I also learned they take competitors coupons too, so be sure to grab them also.

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This is a great project to do with the kids, when the summer heat is just too hot outside or on a rainy day. These DIY washer necklaces only take a few items to make. A few washers, beads, nail polish, and a little string is all that is needed to make these really cute necklaces. This is a great idea to get your kids creating instead of complaining.

Items You’ll Need for Washer Necklaces

Washers of varying sizes
Nail Polish in the colors you like (I found a few bright colors to use)
Hemp Cord or Suede Cord
Beads to dress them up a bit

How to Make the Washer Necklace

This is a great project to do with the kids, when the summer heat is just too hot outside or on a rainy day. These DIY washer necklaces only take a few items to make. A few washers, beads, nail polish, and a little string is all that is needed to make these really cute necklaces. This is a great idea to get your kids creating instead of complaining.

Step 1 Paint the washers with the nail polish. You want to apply the nail polish thickly but don’t pour it on. Let dry.
Step 2 Match up a smaller washer with a larger washer and thread onto the cording.
Step 3 Tie to secure the washers in place.

This is a great project to do with the kids, when the summer heat is just too hot outside or on a rainy day. These DIY washer necklaces only take a few items to make. A few washers, beads, nail polish, and a little string is all that is needed to make these really cute necklaces. This is a great idea to get your kids creating instead of complaining.

Step 4 Add beads to dress them up a bit. Tie again to secure the beads if needed.
Step 5 Tie the ends of the cord to make to secure the necklace. If you want a shorter necklace you will need to add clasps.

A Few Tips When Making the Washer Necklace

When applying the nail polish be sure to dab it on instead of painting it on. It helps the polish to be nice and thick.

Waiting for the nail polish does take a little patience, since it’s so thick. We placed ours outside in the sun to help speed up the drying.

We also put down a few paper sack we tore open, so they would lay flat, while painting the nail polish on to protect the table.

I liked purchased hemp cord that was already dyed in a few colors, but you can purchase a large quantity of plain cording and dye it too for more variety.

Layering the larger washer behind a smaller one gives a nice look to the necklace. Adding a bead in front of both make a nice look too.

This is a great project to do with the kids, when the summer heat is just too hot outside or on a rainy day. These DIY washer necklaces only take a few items to make. A few washers, beads, nail polish, and a little string is all that is needed to make these really cute necklaces. This is a great idea to get your kids creating instead of complaining.

You can add smaller beads on the necklace string leading away from the washer pendant, to vary the look, between necklaces.

What do you think, will you give making these necklaces a try with your tween or teen. They would also make a great gift for a birthday too.

We really enjoyed making these necklaces. My kids really like theirs and they are an inexpensive project to do on those hot summer days or the occasional rainy day.

I would love to hear what you thought about this washer necklace tutorial. Do you think this is a project you’ll give a try? Leave me a comment and let me know.

You can find more kid’s crafts by clicking here.

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  1. What a fun craft project to do with kids! πŸ™‚ My kids have been creating a lot this summer, so our dining room table is rarely clean at the moment. They’ve been painting and creating all sorts of things with these bead-things that my husband then irons for them.

  2. I have a problem with the nail polish drying. Left it for A week then put them in a container. When I went back weeks later they were all stuck to each other and pulled off the polish when separated. I want to use them on my wind chimes

    1. Mary, I’m sorry to hear that happened. We’ve never had that problem, so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t have dried. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

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