Goals Update from 2014 and This Years Goals Too

My Goals for 2014

I wasn’t really sure about making a 2015 goals post for this year. You see I made my goals for last year and I looked at them, only a few times. Then as the year went on well, I kinda forgot all about them. Yes, I know that is really bad.

Just in case you missed them from the last time I updated them, back in (cough) February, here what my plan was for the year.

2014 Goals

Personal Goals

Bible and Prayer time each day
Sleep 7-8 hours a day
Read 12 books
Exercise regularly (4-5 times each week)
Lose 20 pounds

Family and Marriage Goals

Homeschooling my son, finish 2nd grade start 3rd grade
Homeschooling my daughter, finish 11th grade start 12th grade
Read aloud Bible time with the kids each day
Spend individual time with each child once a week
Spend quality time with my husband each week, helping him and encouraging him

Financial Goals

Increase the amount we are giving
Save for home improvement projects (painting, new countertops)
Contribute monthly to our retirement savings

Home Management Goals

Make a plan for our home improvement projects
Plan and plant a garden again this year
Set up a chore schedule for the kids

Business Goals

Transfer to a new theme framework
Write an ebook
Guest Post 6-12 times this year
Learn a new skill each week to improve my blog and business skills
Continue online photography classes and blogging classes

Okay, well looking back now, I didn’t do as bad as I thought I did. Here’s how I did in each area.


I accomplished 3 out of the 5 goals here. I didn’t lose weight, maybe a pound or two but that’s it. As far as reading 12 books. Thinking back I got 8 read. I do a lot of online reading and learning, but I don’t count that towards books.

Family and Marriage Goals

I accomplished 3 out of the 5 goals too. My kids have been progressing well through this homeschool year. I’ve also been much better about helping and encouraging my husband too. Reading to the kids during Bible time each day, started out strong until summer hit. It’s been hit or miss since then. Also individual time is hard to find for each child, but we do a lot as a family.

Financial Goals

Two out of the three in this group were met. We didn’t increase our giving as much as we would have liked. Our medical cost went up $240 a month. Which cut into extra money for other things. Coupled with a decrease in my husband pay this year, made giving more difficult.

But I’m happy to say we stayed on track to save for some home improvements, we wanted to make. The bathroom counters and vanity got done after 16 years. Yeah! We also contributed to our retirement each month too.

Home Management Goals

In this area I accomplished two of the three. We planted our garden this past year. For home improvement projects, we replaced our raised garden beds and we were able to get the bathroom vanity completed. I didn’t get a chore chart system set up for the kids, but they have been helping more with weekly tasks.

Business Goals

There is a theme I’m seeing here. I accomplished 3 out of my 5 goals for this section too. I was able to get my blog transferred to the new theme. I finished two photography classes and I’m working on the blogging class.

I guest posted only two times. Short of my goal but I did make progress. I learned lots of new skills this year related to my blog. From learning to edit and record videos, to better photo editing and improved writing skills. There always more to learn but I made really good progress this year.

I also have the ebook Sweet Treats that you can get for free when you sign up for my blog updates. I’m working on another book but it’s slow going. Maybe I’ll get it completed this year.

Well if you have made it this far into this post, I thank you for sticking with me. I’m going to wrap up now with my goals for this year.

My Thirteen Goals for 2015

Goals for 2105

I’m keeping them simple and only including two or three goals in each area. Since that was the normal I was able to accomplish last year.


Lose Weight, take steps to make this happen with accountability and eating less.
Read More, 8 Books this year


Spend quality time each week as a family
Bible time with the kids each week

Financial Goals

Contribute to Retirement each month
Give more this year
Make a new Budget for this year and review each month

Home Management Goals

Make a plan to finish our bathroom
Plan and plant a garden again this year
Set up a chore schedule for the kids

Business Goals

Write an ebook
Guest Post 6-12 times this year
Implement the new things I learn in my blogging classes each month

That’s it for me, thirteen goals for this new year. How did you do on your goals for last year? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

Share your goals for this year and I’ll try to do better at updating as the year goes along, and not wait ten months between updates. 😉

One Comment

  1. I love how you’ve simplified your goals, Shelly. I think that’s wise.

    Also, even though you didn’t look at your goals as often as you would have liked to last year, you did a pretty good job. 🙂

    I’ve decided not to set yearly goals this time. Instead, I’m going to stick to weekly goals. I’ve found that setting yearly goals doesn’t work for me… at least it hasn’t in a long while. 😉

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