Does your house need a little cleaning and organizing? If it does, follow along with my four weeks of cleaning and organizing task to get your house in great shape. Each weekday has its own assignment to help get your house looking great.
Day One, Purse Purge
Day Two, Kitchen Cleaning
Day Three, Bedroom and Freezer Clean Out
Day Four, Under the Bed Cleaning
Day Five, Declutter the Couch
Day Six, Clean the Car
Day Seven, Baseboard Cleaning
Day Eight, Drawers and Doorknobs
Day Nine, Light Switch Wipe Down
Day Ten, Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures
Day Eleven, Crumbs in the Silverware Drawer
Day Twelve, Vacuuming and the Oven
Day Thirteen, Bathroom and Kitchen Clean Up
Day Fourteen, Shine Those Windows
Day Fifteen, Clean the Computer
Day Sixteen, Clean those Vents
Day Seventeen, Organize the Pantry
Day Eighteen, Vacuum again
Day Nineteen, Clean the Windows and Blinds
Day Twenty, Medication Cupboard Clean Out